Westpark Campus Shannon
Westpark Innovation Campus is world-class international business campus located in the Mid-West region of Ireland. The Campus is home to some of the world’s best and brightest companies across sectors such as aviation, communications, financial services, and transport.
The client initially approached BBnet to bring internet connectivity into one building, but this expanded and BBnet now provides connectivity to all buildings on Westpark Campus along with Wi-Fi access throughout and significant improvement of mobile phone coverage by installing mobile phone repeaters.
Reliable connectivity is essential to ensure there is no downtime or disruptions to productivity for the companies based here. BBnet brought numerous dedicated fibre feeds from various backbones including Enet, Openeir and BT into the main data center in Building A in the Westpark Campus. Numerous fibre paths lead to a truly diverse and solid infrastructure. In addition, BBnet has its own national fibre ring which runs south to CIX in Cork and north to Equinix in Dublin. Having diverse access to Westpark means in the event of an outage on one of the feeds, it will flip over to another seamlessly, with the ability to route traffic via either Cork or Dublin.
BBnet engineers pulled fibre cables from Building A into Building B via underground ducting. The same was done between Building B and Building C meaning all 3 buildings on the campus are supplied with dedicated internet connectivity. A dedicated fibre connection can be provided to any potential customer in these buildings. This also allows the service to be delivered at a very competitive price.
Wi-Fi was delivered by BBnet throughout the campus. This covers public areas including meeting rooms, receptions, and restaurants. This is available for use by visitors and customers.
One of the buildings on campus was struggling with poor mobile phone coverage and we resolved this by installing mobile phone repeaters. The repeaters take the external phone signal and amplify it to cover the entire building. These work very well for employees and visitors as they don’t need to connect to any network, and they are compatible with multiple mobile service providers.Dedicated Fibre connectivity, Wi-Fi and strong mobile phone signal throughout the campus is an excellent selling point for Westpark. Potential new businesses can rest assured that it is all available to them once they move in, resulting in minimum downtime.
BBnet were delighted to work with the team at the Westpark Innovation Campus to get this completed.